
  • 聯(lián)系人:方經(jīng)理
  • 電 話:027-65279366
  • 郵箱:products@biolabreagent.com
  • 地 址:武漢市東湖新技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)神墩四路666號(hào)C棟

Research Grade Abituzumab,AntibodySystem Laboratories


標(biāo)題:Research Grade Abituzumab,AntibodySystem Laboratories





存儲(chǔ)緩沖區(qū):0.01M PBS, pH 7.4.

濃度:1 mg/ml

純度:>95% by SDS-PAGE.


應(yīng)用:Research Grade Biosimilar

介紹:Abituzumab是一種人源化抗 integrin αV 單克隆抗體 (IgG2 型)。Abituzumab 能有效減少 FAK、 Akt 和 ERK 的磷酸化。Abituzumab 可用于癌癥,尤其是前列腺癌的研究。

儲(chǔ)存:Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).Store at -20 °C 12 months. Store at -80°C long term.


Abituzumab Targeting of αV-Class Integrins Inhibits Prostate Cancer Progression. PMID: 28314844
STRATUS: A Phase II Study of Abituzumab in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis-associated Interstitial Lung Disease. PMID: 33004536
Abituzumab combined with cetuximab plus irinotecan versus cetuximab plus irinotecan alone for patients with KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: the randomised phase I/II POSEIDON trial. PMID: 25319061
Differential Effect on Bone Lesions of Targeting Integrins: Randomized Phase II Trial of Abituzumab in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. PMID: 26839144
Integrins as A New Target for Cancer Treatment. PMID: 30451118
Integration of NMR Spectroscopy in an Analytical Workflow to Evaluate the Effects of Oxidative Stress on Abituzumab: Beyond the Fingerprint of mAbs. PMID: 37278511
Integrin Inhibitors in Prostate Cancer. PMID: 29415418
Integrins as Therapeutic Targets: Successes and Cancers. PMID: 28832494
A novel therapeutic option for castration-resistant prostate cancer: after or before chemotherapy? PMID: 23838638
Ongoing clinical trials and treatment options for patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease. PMID: 29893938
Enhanced drug targeting by attachment of an anti alphav integrin antibody to doxorubicin loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles. PMID: 20031203
Safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of the novel αv-integrin antibody EMD 525797 (DI17E6) in healthy subjects after ascending single intravenous doses. PMID: 24242902
A multicenter phase 1 study of EMD 525797 (DI17E6), a novel humanized monoclonal antibody targeting αv integrins, in progressive castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastases after chemotherapy. PMID: 23791392

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