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武漢佰樂博代理:Anti-HRSV-A F/Fusion glycoprotein F0 Antibody (RF2)


武漢佰樂博代理:Anti-HRSV-A F/Fusion glycoprotein F0 Antibody (RF2)





反應(yīng)種屬:Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain Long)



別名:F, Fusion glycoprotein F0, Protein F

Uniprot IDicon:P12568

Noteicon:For Research Use Only.

參考文獻(xiàn):Translational autoregulation of RF2 protein in E. coli through programmed frameshifting. PMID: 34271674

Fine mapping of Rf2, a minor Restorer-of-fertility (Rf) gene for cytoplasmic male sterility in chili pepper G164 (Capsicum annuum L.). PMID: 35710637

Extensive ribosome and RF2 rearrangements during translation termination. PMID: 31513010

A peroxisomal ubiquitin ligase complex forms a retrotranslocation channel. PMID: 35768507

Crystal structures of 70S ribosomes bound to release factors RF1, RF2 and RF3. PMID: 22999888

FAdV-4 without Fiber-2 Is a Highly Attenuated and Protective Vaccine Candidate. PMID: 35107364

Telomere-related gene risk model for prognosis and drug treatment efficiency prediction in kidney cancer. PMID: 36189312

Structural basis for ArfA-RF2-mediated translation termination on mRNAs lacking stop codons. PMID: 27906161

Mechanism of ribosome rescue by ArfA and RF2. PMID: 28300532

ArfA recruits RF2 into stalled ribosomes. PMID: 22922063

Lattice-Tip Focal Ablation Catheter That Toggles Between Radiofrequency and Pulsed Field Energy to Treat Atrial Fibrillation: A First-in-Human Trial. PMID: 32383391

Mechanistic insights into the alternative translation termination by ArfA and RF2. PMID: 27906160

Cometabolic degradation of dichloroethenes by Comamonas testosteroni RF2. PMID: 28830064

Peptide release promoted by methylated RF2 and ArfA in nonstop translation is achieved by an induced-fit mechanism. PMID: 26554029

The rf2 nuclear restorer gene of male-sterile T-cytoplasm maize. PMID: 8650543

Is rf2 a restorer gene of CMS-T in maize? PMID: 12399175

Release factors eRF1 and RF2: a universal mechanism controls the large conformational changes. PMID: 15475364

Structural basis of co-translational quality control by ArfA and RF2 bound to ribosome. PMID: 28077875

A candidate factor that interacts with RF2, a restorer of fertility of Lead rice-type cytoplasmic male sterility in rice. PMID: 26224552

The fertility restorer gene, Rf2, for Lead Rice-type cytoplasmic male sterility of rice encodes a mitochondrial glycine-rich protein. PMID: 21265890

Ginsenoside Rf2, a new dammarane glycoside from Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng). PMID: 9875504

SNOMED CT's RF2: Is the future bright? PMID: 21893863

Examining aerobic degradation of chloroethenes mixture in consortium composed of Comamonas testosteroni RF2 and Mycobacterium aurum L1. PMID: 33139045

R213I mutation in release factor 2 (RF2) is one step forward for engineering an omnipotent release factor in bacteria Escherichia coli. PMID: 28743745

Mutations at the accommodation gate of the ribosome impair RF2-dependent translation termination. PMID: 20668033

Methylation of bacterial release factors RF1 and RF2 is required for normal translation termination in vivo. PMID: 17932046

Mapping functionally important motifs SPF and GGQ of the decoding release factor RF2 to the Escherichia coli ribosome by hydroxyl radical footprinting. Implications for macromolecular mimicry and structural changes in RF2. PMID: 12458201

Molecular markers linked to the Rf2 fertility restorer gene in cotton. PMID: 17893722

A post-translational modification in the GGQ motif of RF2 from Escherichia coli stimulates termination of translation. PMID: 11118225

ArfA recognizes the lack of mRNA in the mRNA channel after RF2 binding for ribosome rescue. PMID: 25355516

Insights into translational termination from the structure of RF2 bound to the ribosome. PMID: 18988853

Pseudouridylation of 23S rRNA helix 69 promotes peptide release by release factor RF2 but not by release factor RF1. PMID: 21281690

A New Mechanism for Ribosome Rescue Can Recruit RF1 or RF2 to Nonstop Ribosomes. PMID: 30563899

Protein synthesis factors (RF1, RF2, RF3, RRF, and tmRNA) and peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase rescue stalled ribosomes at sense codons. PMID: 22326347

Structural Basis for Ribosome Rescue in Bacteria. PMID: 28629612

Crystal structure of a translation termination complex formed with release factor RF2. PMID: 19064930

Bacterial polypeptide release factor RF2 is structurally distinct from eukaryotic eRF1. PMID: 11779511

Ribosome rescue systems in bacteria. PMID: 25446863

Stop codon recognition and interactions with peptide release factor RF3 of truncated and chimeric RF1 and RF2 from Escherichia coli. PMID: 14651631

Crystal structure of the 70S ribosome bound with the Q253P mutant form of release factor RF2. PMID: 23769667

A cryo-electron microscopic study of ribosome-bound termination factor RF2. PMID: 12511960

Functional Study of the Retrotransposon-Derived Human PEG10 Protease. PMID: 32244497

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