
  • 聯(lián)系人:方經(jīng)理
  • 電 話:027-65279366
  • 郵箱:products@biolabreagent.com
  • 地 址:武漢市東湖新技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)神墩四路666號C棟

抗體:Anti-Hypusine antibody Hpu24 單克隆抗體,AntibodySystem Laboratories


標(biāo)題:Anti-Hypusine antibody Hpu24 單克隆抗體,AntibodySystem Laboratories


名稱:Anti-Hypusine antibody Hpu24單克隆抗體

別名:Hpu24,單克隆抗體,Hypusine, Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-1, eIF-5A-1, eIF-5A1, Eukaryotic initiation factor 5A isoform 1, eIF-5A, Rev-binding factor, eIF-4D, EIF5A











儲存:Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).Store at -20 °C 12 months. Store at -80°C long term.

產(chǎn)品購買聯(lián)系方式:027-65279366 /18162686757





Helicobacter pylori in gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease in a Colombian population. Strain heterogeneity and antibody profiles. PMID: 11683922

A dual-function [Ru(bpy)3]2+ encapsulated metal organic framework for ratiometric Al3+ detection and anticounterfeiting application. PMID: 36866710

Hypusine, a polyamine-derived amino acid critical for eukaryotic translation. PMID: 30257869

Post-translational formation of hypusine in eIF5A: implications in human neurodevelopment. PMID: 34273022

Role of Polyamines and Hypusine in beta Cells and Diabetes Pathogenesis. PMID: 35448531

The hypusine-containing translation factor eIF5A. PMID: 25029904

Modulating the polyamine/hypusine axis controls generation of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells. PMID: 37581943

Hypusine: its post-translational formation in eukaryotic initiation factor 5A and its potential role in cellular regulation. PMID: 8347280

The Polyamine-Hypusine Circuit Controls an Oncogenic Translational Program Essential for Malignant Conversion in MYC-Driven Lymphoma. PMID: 37070973

Targeting the polyamine-hypusine circuit for the prevention and treatment of cancer. PMID: 27357307

Hypusine is essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation. PMID: 9285094

Functional significance of eIF5A and its hypusine modification in eukaryotes. PMID: 19997760

Hypusine: a new target for therapeutic intervention in diabetic inflammation. PMID: 20670594

Is hypusine essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation? PMID: 8108861

Posttranslational synthesis of hypusine: evolutionary progression and specificity of the hypusine modification. PMID: 17476569

Spermidine-induced hypusination preserves mitochondrial and cognitive function during aging. PMID: 34105442

Hypusine Signaling Promotes Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. PMID: 38261723

Polyamine metabolism is a central determinant of helper T cell lineage fidelity. PMID: 34216540

Hypusine modification of the ribosome-binding protein eIF5A, a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs: understanding the action of the inhibitor GC7 on a murine macrophage cell line. PMID: 23701550

Translation Factor eIF5A, Modification with Hypusine and Role in Regulation of Gene Expression. eIF5A as a Target for Pharmacological Interventions. PMID: 30208826

Hypusine biosynthesis in protein and its biological consequences. PMID: 3151230

Biochemistry and function of hypusine formation on eukaryotic initiation factor 5A. PMID: 9285092

Biosynthesis of hypusine in eIF-4D precursors. PMID: 3151229

YAP/TAZ drives cell proliferation and tumour growth via a polyamine-eIF5A hypusination-LSD1 axis. PMID: 35177822

Spermidine-mediated hypusination of translation factor EIF5A improves mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and prevents non-alcoholic steatohepatitis progression. PMID: 36057633

Polyamines and eIF5A Hypusination Modulate Mitochondrial Respiration and Macrophage Activation. PMID: 31130465

Arginine metabolism regulates human erythroid differentiation through hypusination of eIF5A. PMID: 36735910

The post-translational synthesis of a polyamine-derived amino acid, hypusine, in the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A). PMID: 16452303

The first evidence of biological activity for free Hypusine, an enigmatic amino acid discovered in the '70s. PMID: 37258638

Hypusine biosynthesis in beta cells links polyamine metabolism to facultative cellular proliferation to maintain glucose homeostasis. PMID: 31796630

Polyamines. PMID: 6206782

Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase as a novel pharmacological target for ischemic stroke via inducing a unique post-translational hypusination modification. PMID: 35007708

Pharmacological targeting of polyamine and hypusine biosynthesis reduces tumour activity of endometrial cancer. PMID: 35100927

Polyamines Control eIF5A Hypusination, TFEB Translation, and Autophagy to Reverse B Cell Senescence. PMID: 31474573

At the hypusine of the crime. PMID: 22763665

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