
  • 聯(lián)系人:方經(jīng)理
  • 電 話:027-65279366
  • 郵箱:products@biolabreagent.com
  • 地 址:武漢市東湖新技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)神墩四路666號(hào)C棟

甲型流感病毒相關(guān)重組蛋白和抗體Recombinant/Anti Influenza A virus,AntibodySystem Laboratories


標(biāo)題:甲型流感病毒相關(guān)重組蛋白和抗體Recombinant/Anti Influenza A virus,AntibodySystem Laboratories

介紹:甲型流感病毒(Influenza A virus)為常見(jiàn)流感病毒,甲型流感病毒最容易發(fā)生變異,而人禽流行性感冒(簡(jiǎn)稱人禽流感)是由禽甲型流感病毒某些亞型中的一些毒株引起的急性呼吸道傳染病 [6],病毒基因變異后能夠感染人類(lèi),感染后的癥狀主要表現(xiàn)為高熱、咳嗽、流涕、肌痛等,多數(shù)伴有嚴(yán)重的肺炎,嚴(yán)重者心、腎等多種臟器衰竭導(dǎo)致死亡,病死率很高。



名稱:甲型流感病毒相關(guān)重組蛋白和抗體Recombinant/Anti Influenza A virus

別名:甲型流感病毒,重組蛋白,抗體,Recombinant/Anti Influenza A virus,H1N1H5N1、H7N1、H7N2H7N3、H7N7、H7N9H9N2、H10N8...



Recombinant Influenza A virus HA/Hemagglutinin Protein, N-His

Research Grade Anti-Influenza A virus HA/Hemagglutinin Broad-Neutralizing Antibody (CR9114)

Research Grade Anti-Influenza A virus HA/Hemagglutinin Antibody (MEDI8852)

InVivoMAb Anti-Influenza A virus HA/Hemagglutinin Antibody (FLD21.140)

Anti-Influenza A virus (H5N1) HA/Hemagglutinin Antibody (SAA2067)

Anti-Influenza A virus NP/Nucleoprotein Antibody (SAA0411)




儲(chǔ)存:Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).Store at -20 °C 12 months. Store at -80°C long term.

產(chǎn)品購(gòu)買(mǎi)聯(lián)系方式:027-65279366 /18162686757





A Brief Introduction to Avian Influenza Virus. PMID: 32170682

Influenza A Virus M2 Protein: Roles from Ingress to Egress. PMID: 29215568

Influenza A virus infections in swine: pathogenesis and diagnosis. PMID: 24363301

Pathogenesis and vaccination of influenza A virus in swine. PMID: 25033752

Influenza A virus vaccine research conducted in swine from 1990 to May 2018: A scoping review. PMID: 32673368

Biology of influenza a virus. PMID: 17470908

A brief introduction to avian influenza virus. PMID: 24899420

Antivirals targeting influenza A virus. PMID: 22612288

Influenza virus genotype to phenotype predictions through machine learning: a systematic review. PMID: 34498543

Molecular characteristics of the human pandemic influenza A virus (H1N1). PMID: 20822307

The parts are greater than the whole: the role of semi-infectious particles in influenza A virus biology. PMID: 30053722

Portraits of viruses: influenza virus A. PMID: 85614

Modeling the viral dynamics of influenza A virus infection. PMID: 20370636

Porous gold nanoparticles for attenuating infectivity of influenza A virus. PMID: 32209114

A comprehensive map of the influenza A virus replication cycle. PMID: 24088197

The influenza A virus protein NS1 displays structural polymorphism. PMID: 24478439

Unravelling the Role of O-glycans in Influenza A Virus Infection. PMID: 30401951

Surveillance of avian influenza virus type A in semi-scavenging ducks in Bangladesh. PMID: 24099526

Predicting host tropism of influenza A virus proteins using random forest. PMID: 25521718

Detection of reassortant avian influenza A (H11N9) virus in wild birds in China. PMID: 30338936

Identification of entry inhibitors with 4-aminopiperidine scaffold targeting group 1 influenza A virus. PMID: 32222293

Equine influenza--a segment in influenza virus ecology. PMID: 6258849

Inhibition by caffeic acid of the influenza A virus multiplication in vitro. PMID: 25050906

Confronting influenza virus: a common but ever-changing pathogen. PMID: 21276871

D2I and F9Y Mutations in the NS1 Protein of Influenza A Virus Affect Viral Replication via Regulating Host Innate Immune Responses. PMID: 35746676

Influenza A virus PB1-F2 gene. PMID: 17176587

A Vero-cell-adapted vaccine donor strain of influenza A virus generated by serial passages. PMID: 25448099

GFP-expressing influenza A virus for evaluation of the efficacy of antiviral agents. PMID: 22538668

Human influenza A virus (H5N1) detection by a novel multiplex PCR typing method. PMID: 17360846

RNA Extraction from Swine Samples and Detection of Influenza A Virus in Swine by Real-Time RT-PCR. PMID: 32170696

Genesis and pathogenesis of the 1918 pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus. PMID: 24778238

New small molecule entry inhibitors targeting hemagglutinin-mediated influenza a virus fusion. PMID: 24198411

Ecological aspects of influenza A virus circulation in wild birds of the Western Palearctic. PMID: 14535376

mSphere of Influence: Resolution of the Structure of an Influenza Virus Polymerase Is a Game Changer. PMID: 31434746

Construction of yellow fever-influenza A chimeric virus particles. PMID: 12393149

CRISPR-Cas13a Nanomachine Based Simple Technology for Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus On-Site Detection. PMID: 30841971

Detection and subtyping of influenza A virus based on a short oligonucleotide microarray. PMID: 19733996

[Research progress in a novel H17N10 subtype of bat influenza A virus]. PMID: 25997335

Influenza A virus neuraminidase: regions of the protein potentially involved in virus-host interactions. PMID: 11040132

Transmission Bottleneck Size Estimation from Pathogen Deep-Sequencing Data, with an Application to Human Influenza A Virus. PMID: 28468874

Quantum dot-aptamer nanoprobes for recognizing and labeling influenza A virus particles. PMID: 21509395

Mutations to A/Puerto Rico/8/34 PB1 gene improves seasonal reassortant influenza A virus growth kinetics. PMID: 23116694

The Human Antimicrobial Protein Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein (BPI) Inhibits the Infectivity of Influenza A Virus. PMID: 27273104

Influenza A virus infections in land birds, People's Republic of China. PMID: 18826836

Discovery of highly potent agents against influenza A virus. PMID: 21094565

[Study progress of NS1 protein of influenza A virus]. PMID: 17944383

Characterization of sialidase from an influenza A (H3N2) virus strain: kinetic parameters and substrate specificity. PMID: 12931027

SimFlu: a simulation tool for predicting the variation pattern of influenza A virus. PMID: 24995426

Influenza viruses production: Evaluation of a novel avian cell line DuckCelt®-T17. PMID: 28571695

High-throughput identification of loss-of-function mutations for anti-interferon activity in the influenza A virus NS segment. PMID: 24965464

Interspecies and intraspecies transmission of influenza A viruses: viral, host and environmental factors. PMID: 20591213

Influenza virus pathogenicity regulated by host cellular proteases, cytokines and metabolites, and its therapeutic options. PMID: 26460316

Influenza virus sequence feature variant type analysis: evidence of a role for NS1 in influenza virus host range restriction. PMID: 22398283

Reconsideration of influenza A virus nomenclature: a WHO memorandum. PMID: 312157

Method for Sequencing the Whole Genome of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N6) Virus. PMID: 30702817

Phylogenetic analysis of H1N2 isolates of influenza A virus from pigs in the United States. PMID: 12191781

PhyloMap: an algorithm for visualizing relationships of large sequence data sets and its application to the influenza A virus genome. PMID: 21689434

Molecular changes in A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/83 (H5N2) influenza virus associated with acquisition of virulence. PMID: 3946082

The genetic and phylogenetic analysis of a highly pathogenic influenza A H5N6 virus from a heron, southern China, 2013. PMID: 29409937

The influenza A virus spliced messenger RNA M mRNA3 is not required for viral replication in tissue culture. PMID: 19008398

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