

Anti Digoxin Antibody (26G10)地高辛單克隆抗體


介紹:Digoxin是 Na+/K+-ATPase 的有效抑制劑。該抗體對地高辛(一種從毛地黃植物中提取的心臟糖苷)具有特異性。地高辛用于治療心房顫動(dòng)、心房撲動(dòng)和心力衰竭等心臟疾病,其作用是抑制Na+/K+ atp酶。然而,該藥的治療指標非常狹窄,并可能引起毒副作用。由26-10制備的Fab片段,可以中和地高辛的活性,在洋地黃過(guò)量的情況下可以用作解毒劑??沟馗咝羻慰寺】贵w也可以用來(lái)測量藥物的血清水平,作為治療的指導,并且在抗體和抗原相互作用動(dòng)力學(xué)的研究中是有用的。

佰樂(lè )博生物:佰樂(lè )博生物代理Antibodysystem,ProteoGenix品牌,是亞洲區運營(yíng)總代理商


名稱(chēng):Anti Digoxin Antibody (26G10)地高辛單克隆抗體


別名:Digoxin, DGX, CAS: 20830-75-5,digoxinum,12β-hydroxydigitoxin,ChEBI: 4551, 26-10#, 26G10,Digoxin Monoclonal Antibody







同型:IgG2a, kappa

內毒素水平Please contact with the lab for this information.


儲存:Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).Store at -20 °C 12 months. Store at -80°C long term.

產(chǎn)品購買(mǎi)聯(lián)系方式:027-65279366 /18162686757





Digoxin targets low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 and protects against osteoarthritis. PMID: 34853001

Role of Digoxin in Atrial Fibrillation. PMID: 27067743

Digoxin protects against intervertebral disc degeneration via TNF/NF-kappaB and LRP4 signaling. PMID: 37790932

Digoxin--issues and controversies. PMID: 3510096

Digoxin. PMID: 1120872

Digoxin--a redundant drug in congestive cardiac failure. PMID: 2488085

Digoxin toxicity in the aged. Characterising and avoiding the problem. PMID: 1794026

Digoxin Exhibits Neuroprotective Properties in a Rat Model of Dementia. PMID: 35064518

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[A baby with digoxin toxicity]. PMID: 25944069

A nomogram for digoxin therapy. PMID: 4600984

Clinical pharmacokinetics of digoxin 1980. PMID: 6988136

Digoxin therapy: textbooks, theory and practice. PMID: 22216507

Digoxin bioavailability. PMID: 82124

A perspective on re-evaluating digoxin's role in the current management of patients with chronic systolic heart failure: targeting serum concentration to reduce hospitalization and improve safety profile. PMID: 24574198

Digoxin in the 1980s. PMID: 3309595

Computer-assisted digoxin therapy. PMID: 4763409

Quinidine-digoxin interaction. PMID: 7436201

Clinical pharmacology of digoxin. PMID: 4558886

How to digitalize and to maintain optimal digoxin levels in congestive heart failure. PMID: 2488083

Digoxin: placental transfer, effects on the fetus, and therapeutic use in the newborn. PMID: 1102216

Digoxin in heart failure. PMID: 2569093

Serum digoxin concentrations in atrial fibrillation: a review. PMID: 7049644

Digoxin therapeutics: straightening out the facts. PMID: 1513197

The rational pharmacology of digoxin. PMID: 1389200

Population Pharmacokinetic Studies of Digoxin in Adult Patients: A Systematic Review. PMID: 33616855

Digoxin Use and Subsequent Outcomes Among Patients in a Contemporary Atrial Fibrillation Cohort. PMID: 26112191

Understanding digoxin use in the elderly patient. PMID: 2253445

Pharmacokinetics of digoxin in the rat. PMID: 3407

Is there an expanded role for digoxin in patients with heart failure and sinus rhythm? A protagonist viewpoint. PMID: 9220052

Digoxin metabolism in patients. PMID: 666466

Serum digoxin test in perspective. PMID: 912635

Bioavailability of digoxin. PMID: 4113330

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